Oaklee today told me mommy I want my hair like yours!!! I told here no ofcourse, but later decided if thats what she want, and if it will be easier on me, lets go for it!!!! Let just say it sounded good at the time, and now I think im crazy! Her hair was so long. :( Anyways I took pictures so you can share in my pain!!!!!

This is the before picture, and you can see how happy she is!!!!

Its so long......I was so dumb!!!!!!

Woopsy way shorter than I wanted!!!!!

Well didn't turn out to bad!!!!! She cute either way!!!!!!!

Final Picture, her smile says it all!!! Im sheding a tear behind the camra!!
I think it looks cute. I was way sad when I gave in to Taylor and let her get her hair cut. But hair grows back. :) Taylor says she plans on growing hers til it hits her bum this time.